A 繳罰單:
Jimmy:I need to pay a fine.(我要繳罰單。)
Staff:Give me your ticket .(把您的罰單給我。)
Jimmy:Gosh! Where's my ticket?(糟糕!我的罰單呢?)
Staff:Sorry. You can't pay it without the ticket.(抱歉。沒有罰單就不能繳喔。)
Jimmy:Ok. I will come tomorrow. Thank you.(好,我明天再來。謝謝。)
Staff:You’re welcome.
Jimmy:Hello, I'd like to pay the electricity bill.(嗨.我要繳電費.)
Staff: Give me your bill, please.(請將單據給我)
Jimmy:Here it is. How much?(共是多少?)
Staff:596 NTD in total. (總共596元)
Jimmy:Ok. Here's 600 NT. (這是600元)
Staff:Ok. Here's your change. (找您的零錢)
Jimmy:Hello, what can I do for you? (有什麼事嗎?)
Staff:I'd like to pay my phone bill.(我要繳電話費)
Jimmy:What's your telephone number?(您的號碼是?)
Jimmy:Your telephone charge this month is 104 NTD in total.
Staff:Here it is! (這就是了)
Jimmy: Hello, I came to pay my water and gas fees.
Staff: Give me your bills, please.(請給我,你的單據)
Jimmy: Here they are.(這就是了)
Staff: 160 NTD for the water fee, 80 NTD for the gas fee. That's 240 in total.
Jimmy : Here you are.(在這兒!)